AT&T IoT Civic Hackathon with Over $15,000 in Prizes
One of our biggest hackathon events of the year also happens to be our 200th hackathon, and we have some amazing gear and speakers lined up to make it one of the best yet. Our third annual AT&T Internet of Things (IoT) Civic Hackathon is taking place in Indianapolis at the Indiana IoT lab on Friday, April 20th at 5:00 pm and ends on Saturday, April 21st at 8:00 pm. We’ll be awarding over $15,000 in prizes for solutions that fall into the IoT, mobile app, and big data categories to name just a few. We invite developers, designers, students, and technologists from all over Indiana to build mobile apps and hardware solutions to help better their state or community.
We invite developers, designers, students, and technologists from all over Indiana to build mobile apps and hardware solutions to help better their state or community.
The combination of 4G LTE and FirstNet, the first-ever communications platform dedicated to first responders, forms the backdrop of this year’s hackathon. FirstNet gives law enforcement, fire, and EMS personnel a highly-secure and always-on connection to the information they need to achieve their lifesaving mission. At this hackathon, we’ll be looking for mobile, IoT-inspired apps that can help them respond to emergencies, fight crime, and make our communities safer.
We’ll be kicking off the event with some phenomenal speakers including:
- Congresswoman Susan Brooks – U.S. House of Representatives
- Darshan Shah – Chief Data Officer, State of Indiana
- Douglas G. Carter – Superintendent, Indiana State Police
- Ed Parkinson – Director of Government Affairs, FirstNet
- Chris Sambar – Senior Vice President, AT&T FirstNet
- Ernest Malone – Chief, Indianapolis Fire Department
- Mayor Scott Fadness – City of Fishers
- Tom Arkins – Chief of IT & Informatics, Indianapolis EMS
- John McDonald – CEO, Clear Object
- Chris Penrose – Senior Vice President of IoT Solutions, AT&T
To help participants accomplish their task, we’ll be providing code samples, food, technical mentors and the following hardware that you can use on-site:
- AT&T IoT Starter Kit
- Arduino Boards: Sunfounder Super Kit with Uno R3 for Arduino(Documentation)
- RobotLinking 37 Sensor Kit
- Intel Edison (Documentation) + Grove – Starter Kit Plus Intel IoT Edition
- CanaKit Raspberry Pi 2 Complete Starter Kit (Monitor and keyboard NOT included)
- Raspberry Pi 2, Model B 1GB, Documentation (Monitor and keyboard NOT included)
- Photon Board Maker Kit(Documentation)
- Raspberry Pi 3 + Sensors (Monitor and keyboard NOT included)
This year there will even be emergency response vehicles and equipment on display, along with first responders who use this equipment daily. This is a unique opportunity to ask them questions and get insight into the daily challenges they face as they work to protect the public and save lives.
Developers hacking for public safety mobile apps and IoT solutions have a unique opportunity to mature their ideas, get involved in an exciting community, and create something to further the greater social good. Sign up for the Civic IoT Hackathon today. We’ll see you in Indianapolis!