Video Optimizer 2.2.1 Release
We are happy to announce that on November 8th, 2018, AT&T released Video Optimizer 2.2.1, the latest version of our award-winning software for mobile developers, content providers, and video producers.
Video Optimizer 2.2.1 introduces a brand-new Best Practice “Variable Bitrate”. This will test whether video in a trace uses Variable Bitrate encoding. VBR provides better quality than Constant Bitrate Encoding (CBR) when videos are streamed over Mobile Networks. Full details of this Best Practice can be found here.
Video Optimizer 2.2.1 also adds a new “Configuration Required” icon which indicates if a Video Best Practice requires additional configuration in order to provide a Pass/Fail result. An example of this is that the video start point must be identified in order for VO to analyze the video start-up delay, video stalls & video buffer occupancy:
Clicking on one of these will take you to the Best Practice details where there is a link to set the start-up delay:
From the video start up time window you can select the first video segment (usually 0,0) and set the first frame of video playback:
As soon as you click ‘Set’ the icons will change to pass or fail accordingly:
If your trace contains video but VO did not detect a video manifest, then you will see the Self-Test icons instead of the Configuration Required icon.
Below are additional features added since release 2.0.
- iOS attenuator enhancements now allow you to precisely apply cellular network simulation with throughput which in ‘Kbps’ by setting up the MITM proxy on Mac. It currently supports static attenuation for the required speeds.
- Android Secure Collector now supports analysis for DIRECTV application
- Secure Collector now supports devices with Android OS version Oreo
- Support for Secure and Attenuated Collection and Analysis of traces for Devices with Android OS version Pie (9.0)
- File menu now has “open recent” option.
- Best Practices menu under VO Preferences has a new “deselect all” button.
- Time Range analysis has been re-designed with new information in the trace
- iOS Secure Collector (Beta version)